
Social Security: Myth Busters Edition

Social Security: Myth Busters Edition No matter how many times some myths are debunked, we may still believe them. For example, cracking your knuckles causes arthritis (still possibly annoying but not true), humans swallow eight spiders a year in their sleep (gross and thankfully not true) and twinkies have no expiration date and would survive

You Got a Bonus – Now What - BRIANNE SOSCIA - Financial Yogi

You Got a Bonus – Now What?

You Got a Bonus – Now What? It’s finally time! You’ve worked hard all year, put in lots of hours, and now it’s time to receive your much deserved bonus. While it’s exciting seeing more money in your bank account, have you ever wondered “what do I do with it now?” If you’re like most


To Roth, or Not to Roth, That is the Question

To Roth, or Not to Roth, That is the Question Summary: Traditional IRA contributions may be income tax deductible and have tax-deferred growth potential Roth IRA contributions are made after-tax and potentially grow tax free Your current and future income tax rates are a consideration when deciding between traditional and Roth IRA contributions When Shakespeare

First Time Homebuyer Programs

First Time Homebuyer Programs First Time Homebuyer? – These Programs Are for You June 1, 2021  Do you fantasize about one day owning a home but don’t think you’ll ever be able to afford it? Do you wonder how you’ll ever come up with the down payment needed to purchase a home or how you’ll

To Buy or Lease a Car? That is the Question

To Buy or Lease a Car? That is the Question Think about how many choices you make each day based on personal preference: shorts versus pants, tennis shoes versus sandals,  coffee versus tea. If only financial choices could be just as simple! One of the most common financial dilemmas people face is whether to buy